Our daily activities often intersect closely with the use of artificial intelligence technology or better known as artificial intelligence (AI). For example, ordering a vehicle online or finding a destination address. This technology can find the nearest driver, calculate the cost of your trip, to direct the road to avoid three in one.
Of course, AI capabilities are not limited to these two features. There are still many other human activities related to this technology.
What exactly is Artificial Intelligence?
Several Hollywood science fiction frames AI as a robot, like in the movie “Her”, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson, in reality, AI is not just a robot with a physical appearance resembling a human. It can be anything. Starting from the Google search algorithm, Watson IBM to autonomous weapons.
On the bernardmarr.com page, a best-selling international business writer in the world named Bernard Marr said that the concept of AI itself should change from time to time. But in essence, AI is a technology that can think like humans and also perform human tasks.
There are 3 categories of AI, Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) or what is also called weak AI, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) or strong AI, and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) or super AI.
ANI is called weak AI because it is designed to perform tasks with a narrow scope. For example, internet searches, facial recognition, and driving a car. That is the narrative of Daniel Mikelsten in his book ‘Artificial Intelligence: The Fourth Industrial Revolution’
Meanwhile, AGI can be termed AI, whose intelligence is equivalent to humans. It can do various everyday human activities, such as making coffee and even hanging out with friends.
Meanwhile, ASI has a superior ability than humans.
Artificial Intelligence Is Not A New Discovery.
Long before AI existed in various “forms” that support all human activities, Prof. Dr. Widodo Budiharto, S.Si., M. Kom., IPM, a professor in the field of artificial intelligence from Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, in his presentation entitled AI for Beginner, said that the idea of artificial intelligence originated in the 17th century, when Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, and mathematician argued that the animal body is nothing but complicated machines.
But when it comes to AI, John McCarthy is a figure known as the “Father of AI”. McCarthy, who is a lecturer at Stanford University and MIT, founded intelligence research institutes on the two campuses.
It is in these institutions that AI development innovations have sprung up covering the fields of human skills, vision, listening, reasoning, and movement of limbs.
Artificial Intelligence in Access Control Thermal Camera
The branch of AI that is currently under study is deep learning. Face recognition, which is an implementation of deep understanding, can recognize faces from digital images or video frames.
You do this by identifying a person with special features on the body or DNA that differentiate one person from another.
The US Government Accountability Office states that the components needed to perform facial recognition are a camera, faceprint, database, and an algorithm that functions to compare the faceprints of a person’s face with the faceprints in the database.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, facial recognition was present in a product that measures human temperature. As stipulated in Decree of Minister of Health Number HK.01.07MENKES/328/2020 concerning Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Covid-19 in Office and Industrial Workplaces, one of the points is that the measurement of body temperature is carried out at the entrance to the workplace.
This tool will notify if a person’s body condition is normal or not. And automatically if someone is in a state of abnormal body temperature, the person cannot enter the room because the door is locked.
The capabilities of this machine are not limited to thermal body recognition. Its jobs as facial recognition will be able to identify even if the person wears a mask. For example, VIP guests. Guests do not need to queue but can enter directly through the door and a unique lift.
PT iKonsultan Inovatama (iKon), an IT management company founded in 2002, developed a system in this machine. One way is to bundle with an attendance system that is closely related to payroll. Thus, it will facilitate the performance of the human resource team.
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Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash